Wednesday, June 3, 2009



I took the three older kids to the grocery store on Monday. We were in the checkout line, waiting for the man in front of us to finish loading his groceries onto the conveyor.

Says Noah, excitedly, and a little too loudly...

"Dad! That man in front of us is almost ready to have his baby!"

I'm not sure if the pregnant man heard him. I was laughing too hard to tell...


Ella was playing with her Little People yesterday. As usual, they were carrying on a rather involved imaginary conversation. I was working on the computer, not really paying attention to what the plastic people were saying, until a horrifying phrase caught my ear, in a sing-songy voice that makes it obvious someone made up a little jingle just to get it to stick...

"Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!"

You try as a parent to keep them innocent. But no matter what you do...

I'll probably spend the rest of my life trying to get that one not to stick in her brain.

Paige just smiled sweetly at me, with the look that says "Don't blow a gasket..."


My mom and sister came over last night because they wanted to take the kids to see "Up." So I went with, because it looked like a funny movie.

If you haven't seen the previews, the basic story is about this kind of crusty old curmudgeon who floats his house away with a bunch of helium balloons. At one point in the movie, the balloons have begun popping and his house will no longer stay afloat. The old codger begins tossing items out of the house to lighten the load.

Levi is snuggled on my lap, blankie at the ready to cover himself in case there is a scary part. As soon as the old guy tosses the first piece of furniture, Levi whispers to me...

"He's got the right idea Dad..."

"What do you mean buddy?" I ask.

"He's going to throw the heavy stuff out so his house will float again."

What the? My almost 4 year old understands bouyancy? Bouyancy?!? He knew immediately what the old guy was doing. In fact, I think he knew before the old guy started, and was just waiting for him to get to it.

He and his brother scare me a little. Between the two of them, the next 20 years could be, ummmmm... interesting.

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