Saturday, January 14, 2012

Makes a father's heart swell with pride...

Levi and Noah had parent teacher conferences on Friday.  One of the sheets for review was Levi's sentence composition worksheet.  "Heat" is really "hate," and you should pronounce the last word with hard "c" sounds like "k."

Paige said she wasn't supposed to take this paper home, but had to because she was laughing so hard at it.

And when she finally stopped laughing, she promptly told their teacher that she blamed this all on his father.

Which is probably appropriate.

Before Christmas I got an email from Jib Jab informing me that they had a new Christmas themed video...

So I immediately clicked the link, and loaded up the Addink kid faces into the video.  Which, as you may have guessed, was the Nutcracker theme, performed with flatulence.


Unfortunately I can't post the video without paying $12 to become a member, but you can make your own here.

So as kids and I were dying laughing at the video of them prancing around and tooting the music... Mom walked up.

She was not impressed at my parenting skills.

I was immediately sent to time out, which the kids thought was even funnier than the video.

Thus Levi was inspired for his declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative, and compound sentences (and got 100% on the worksheet, mildly inappropriate subject matter and all.)


Karen said...

Oh, how I have missed the Addink get funnier the longer blogging breaks you take.

Thanks for making me feel as if Casey and Carly are semi-normal, after reading about your tribe:)

Loved, loved the catchup..:)

Jason Addink said...

I'm not sure it is the wisest choice to use our children (or my parenting) as the measuring stick for "semi-normal."