Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Weird, weird dream

I didn't get much sleep last night. At least not much good sleep. I had the weirdest dream. Twice. Normally I only remember bits and pieces of my dreams. This one I remembered the whole thing. Twice. Although the details are fading now.

Paige and I lived in a house, only it wasn't our house. The rooms were all in different places. And Paige didn't really look like Paige, although she still looked like someone I know, although I can't quite put my finger on who. We also only had one child, a boy instead of Ella. Again, it wasn't any of our kids, but somehow looked familiar.

In my dream, I kept waking up all night long because the baby monitor was making weird sounds. Not the normal baby monitor squeaks and squeals, but bumping noises... and footsteps. Like someone was in the baby's room. I kept getting up to go check, but there was never anyone there. It did, however, creep me out to go into the baby's room.

I woke up the next morning (in my dream) and went to go get the baby. He was happy and playing, and all the sudden froze. He stared straight past me, into the room, looking intently at something. And from the other room, I could hear the same bumping and footstep noises over the baby monitor. Only I couldn't actually hear them inside the room. The baby just kept staring past me at something... or nothing. The hair on my neck was standing all the way up, so we got out of there as fast as we could.

For some bizarre reason, at naptime, I put the baby back to sleep in the room, even though I didn't want to stay in there any longer than necessary. And for some reason, my sister was over. We were sitting there talking, and the monitor started making the creepy noises again. My sister jokingly said "Sounds like a ghost in the nursery." I just looked at her and said "I think there is, and I'm not sure what it wants."

Then the dream just ended, and I woke up in cold sweat. Twice.

I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.

(However, it could have something to do with the fact that a certain friend of mine came over, and told me this creepy story about his sister-in-law. And then joked that we should harass his sister-in-law about letting her baby sleep with a ghost. Sorry sister-in-law, I couldn't resist. I didn't really have any weird dreams. Seriously though... uber creepy.)


Elizabeth said...

Yeah, the jig is up because Katie already warned me about you :) Might be creepy, but not as creepy as weirdos out there looking at pics of your kids.

Jason and Paige Addink said...

Ahhhh! Katie blew it! Here I was looking forward to your reaction. Bummer...

And yeah, some guy from Spain ended up on our webpage after searching for "b_o_y_f_u_n L_e_v_i" in Google. (I don't actually want to type it out, cause then it will show up in more searches.) Then he was back a few days later, with the same search term from MySpace. Not sure how to prevent that from happening, but it does creep me out a little.

Elizabeth said...

You would have to make your blog private - which means that only people you invite can view it. My bro-in-law has done that with his. I think when you make it private you put on a list of accepted email addresses and when people view your blog they have to sign in. It's kind of a pain, but might be worth it, cause YUCK is all I can say.