We attempted to go to the landfill on Monday. We made it about a block from the house before Levi harfed all over my back seat. Today everyone was feeling much better, so we loaded up and headed to check out where the wonderful garbage man takes all our trash...
A big giant hole in the ground. When Noah saw it, he said "It's beauuuuuuuuu-tiful." He had a sense of awe in his voice normally heard when someone sees, ohhhhhh, the Grand Canyon for the first time... not a giant plastic lined hole. I need to take that kid out hiking or something.
Where appliances go to die. Well, I suppose they are already dead by the time they get here.
Noah swore he saw a fox. "I'm not lying dad, it was a fox!" We turned around, and instead found this skinny old dump dog.
They were in their glory watching all the garbage trucks push the trash out of their rears...
And the giant bulldozer was awesome too...
Gotta love it when your kids best weekend entertainment in a long time is a trip to the stinky ol' landfill! And it was even free (Dad loves that part!)