Saturday, April 25, 2009

Oklahoma! Where the wind comes...

...sweeping down the plain!

Seriously. It was like living in a hurricane there!

Friday I jumped on a Southwest (love them!) flight to the OKC to visit Angie.

She took me to the memorial for the OKC bombing. It happened to be one day before the 14th anniversary. These were the only photos I took the whole trip...

I must have done something, since I am getting that "my brother is nuts" look...

She told me that hundreds of government agents would swarm out of the building and waterboard me if I even pointed my camera in the direction of the Oklahoma City Federal Building.

Ok, ok. So she only told me that one of her fellow photography classmates took a picture of it, and some guys came out and made her erase the pictures. I told her I wanted to see if that was true. Apparently not, since I just published the picture on the internet.

This is a really old tree that was across the street from the bombed building. That is about all I know about it.

The reflecting pool... reflecting...

Angie went to the bathroom, and I got bored and started to pretend I was a photography student. How'm I doin' Ange?

Photographic evidence of Angie in front of the non-photographable federal building. For any super secret gov't internet monitoring programs, that is Angela. Spelled A-N-G-E-L-A...

It was nice to see Angie's house, her school, and the booming metropolis of Norman (got the scenic tour at 1 AM the night I got there, only because I got totally lost.) I also got to experience the amazing diversity of the population of Oklahoma. Some veeeeeery interesting folks live out there, let me tell you. Jumped on a flight home Monday morning to get back to work!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, there was a sleepover going on in the top bunk.

And Paige found Levi curled up on his windowsill, wrapped in his drapes, taking a nap like a little cat in a sunbeam. Too funny...


Unknown said...

We're watching you Jason Addink....


The Government

Andy and Rebekah said...

Did you check out the museum? Paul Winn and I were there on Sunday 14th. We did not have a lot of time, but it is worth seeing.

Jason Addink said...

We didn't go to the museum. I think they were charging that day, plus we had other places to be.