Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The post wherein I (shamelessly) brag upon my kids

Ella brought this home from school the other day...

Make's a Dutchman proud! All the other kids drew pictures of themselves blowing it on chocolate, or a new bike, or flowers for their mom. Our kid would save it! Such responsible behavior at such a young age.

Then she followed up with this...

The other kids were declaring no school forever, giving their mom flowers, wishing for world peace... ours would make "noo rools."

Hmmmm, is that "no" rules? So she is an anachist ummm, Libertarian? Well, that might not be what we are aiming for...

Or is that "new" rules? So she is a socialist... ehhh... pinko commie... ehhhh... Democrat? Not good either....

Either way, she's in the ballpark, I guess. Since our current president apparently doesn't realize that the executive branch doesn't actually make laws, that being the duty of the legislative branch. So basically, a kindergarten understanding of the role of the presi...

Ahem. Where was I?

So our second son, the other day, was drawing something for Ella at the table. I was making food (I don't recall which meal) and Noah kept asking me how to spell words. "T-h-a-n-k" "y-o-u" "f-o-r" "t-h-e" "l-o-v-e" "l-i-s-t" Suddenly he absolutely flipped out, in full on meltdown mode. We are talking screaming fit that was inches away from earning him a spanking. He had scribbled out his entire drawing, and I finally got out of him cause of his anguish:

"I wrote a two where I was supposed to write an S. Waaaaaaahaaaaahaaaaaa!"

Yes son. Clearly your most obvious issue was the 2 at the "end" of "OFUOYKNAHT EVOLEHT 2IL."


And finally, every day when I drop Ella off at school, I walk by this creepy cowboy...

Somebody has seen too many scary movies. Reminds me of the Coraline button people, or Nightmare Before Christmas...

Ella is the cute cowgirl to the right...

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