Thursday, August 11, 2011

The big kids

The "big" kids started school yesterday.  This is the first year all three of them are at the same school.

Paige managed to pinch a nerve or something in her back, which has now moved down to her leg.  On Tuesday we were at the doctor getting a huge painkiller shot, muscle relaxants, and steroids.  She was still flat on her back on Wednesday, so first day of school duties fell to me.

They all made it into class without tears or meltdowns (not always a given with Levi and Noah.)  Ella ran back out from her classroom to give me one last kiss, looking almost teary eyed.

That night when I was tucking them in bed she confessed to me...

"Dad, when I ran back out to give you another kiss this morning, it was because I was a little nervous of second grade and kind of felt like crying."

You and me both kiddo.  Having daughters has crushed any illusions I might have had about being a tough guy.

Today on the way home from work, I got the report of the second day of school from Paige.  Roughly paraphrased...

Ella:  "Today, on the second day, somebody already lost a star!  It was a boy... cause they are always naughtier."  (Their school has a system where you lose stars for bad behavior.  Ella didn't lose a single star in first grade, being stereotypical the perfectionist oldest child, and would probably completely break down if she did.)

Paige tried to defend the reputation of squirrel-y little boys everywhere, when our own little mischief maker(s) piped up...

Levi:  "I lost a star today too... but it didn't really bother me."

Paige:  "Levi!  What for?"

Levi:  "Talking too loud."

Noah:  "I lost a star too Mom."

Paige:  "Noah!  For what?"

Noah:  "Talking to Landon" (his buddy from kindergarten)

We tried to warn their teacher, who also had Ella last year, that the genetics worked out a weeeee bit differently the second time around.  I even told Landon's mom on the first day that I gave the Noah/Landon seating arrangement about a week before it is rearranged.

I hope they all survive the next year (or twelve.)

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