Monday, February 6, 2012

Argh! Let's try tomorrow...

Paige was sure I was torturing the kid.  But he kept letting me pull.  Kid freaks out if I try to give him a kiss... but he seriously considered letting me use a pliers on his tooth.  Goofball.


Karen said...

Guess what was the first thing out of Casey's mouth this morning at 6am? "Mom, can I watch LeviorNoah (all one word, as in one name) getting his tooth pulled?" The kids like to watch this over and over and over. Maybe it's because Casey has some shark teeth lurking behind his bottom baby teeth that REALLY need to go on their own before the dentist pulls them next month. Do you make housecalls, Dentist Addink?

Jason Addink said...

"LeviOrNoah" is how Luke typically refers to his brothers. As in "Mom! My bwufer... LeviOrNoah... he took my toy!"

And Paige claims my tooth pulling skills are inferior, since I spent three days harassing the kid and tugging on his tooth without success.