Friday, November 13, 2009

The Girl Scout parade

Otherwise known as the Veteran's Day Parade. Seriously. I saw approximately 13 guys who were identifiable as vets. And about 143,000 Girl Scouts. For some reason I remember more guns, uniforms, horses, and marching from the parades of my youth. And fewer Girl Scouts.

But seriously, Ella had a great time. She was a little nervous at first, this being her first parade and all. She wasn't quite sure what to expect. And unlike her father (sarcasm alert) she gets a little sheepish in unfamiliar and new social situations.

We had to walk about 1/2 mile to our viewing location. This took us approximately 3 hours, due to the difficulty of maintaining your balance on the sidewalk edge, and the need to stop and examine every possible treasure (rocks, dirt, bugs, etc.)

Like I said... treasure. Apple snacks in one hand, cockroach in the other. Yummy!

Not quite sure that is what I meant when I told them to "smile!"

The motorcycle cops had some pretty fancy tricks, which impressed the boys.

Noah loved the marching bands. He was a dancing and air drumming fool!

He also mastered the Miss America wave, keeping it up for most of the parade.

I'm not entirely sure what it is about motorcycle gangs that seems to be associated with "all American family event." The motorcycle gang, however, appears to be a required participant in all parades.

My ugly mug, and my much better looking offspring.

Ella marching by. She was all grins by the time they got to us. Her nervousness had definitely evaporated.

Paige and I were debating whose mother was more likely to join the Jazzy Poms old lady marching club. It's a very close call. I'm not sure we really came to a conclusion.

All in all, a very good start to Veteran's Day!

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