Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My first video blog, in which I waterboard myself

We took the back way to Tucson yesterday. The sides of the road were covered in wildflowers of every color. Very pretty.

A desert that green has its downside though. My allergies are worse than they have ever been in years.

Enough so that I actually went out and bought a Neti pot.

Don't know what a Neti pot is? Well, are you ever in luck! Because while Paige often says to me "You are not allowed to put that on our blog!!" her first words upon discovering my new purchase were "This is totally going on the blog!!"

And thus was my first video blog born...


Steven, Sara, Zachary and Andrew said...

My grandparents also swear by the Neti Pot! But Jill claims it gave her an ear infection...guess she didn't bend forward enough. I still haven't been brave enough to try it!

blackrayne said...

you are braver then i am jason!!!!!

Jason Addink said...

I tried just straight tap water last night, to wash out the salt taste. Far, far worse than than the salty water. I had to do it a third time with salt water to wash out the straight tap water! Super-cleaned the sinuses! ;)

Sarah said...

I have tried it once and that is enough. Even thinking about it makes me gag

azsteenstras said...

Kaley's comment while watching was "THAT is DISGUSTING!" and "Hey, I didn't see any boogers!" :)