Friday, December 10, 2010

Please pray!

This past week new information from Ethiopia was handed out to families in our agency. We were thrilled to get a "new" update of our precious daughter and the best part is always new pictures. She is just as cute as day one! We love her dearly and are still praying that whatever mountains, that seem to be standing in the way, can be cleared and that Sophie can come home. I must admit I had another sleepless night praying and begging God all night long to spare her life and bring her home, SOON.

The news in the updates is always two months old. So we found out that in the beginning of October she was pretty sick and had to be put on an antibiotic. At the end of October when the report was written, she weighed in at 11lbs 7.5 oz. She weighed at 5 months old what Ella weighed at 7 weeks! My heart is aching for her. I have no way to help her. It is a miserable feeling. I am hoping that she is better now and gaining weight, but I have no way of knowing.

This coming week she will turn 7 months old. Please, please, pray. She needs lots of prayer.

Pray for her health and safety.
Pray for her to grow!
Pray that her parents (that us!) get a court date sooner rather than later.
Pray that she is being cared for durring her sickness and knows what love feels like.
Pray that our adoption will move forward without glitches.

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