Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Noah got saved by Jesus tonight

Not like you think.  We are still hoping and praying for that day.

He stepped on a scorpion.

I got the following text this afternoon:  "Noah just stepped on a live scorpion and by the grace of God was NOT stung."

"PS.  I'm moving"

The scorpion was right in our front entryway, and Paige said she saw it right before he stepped on it and half threw him off of it.

I replied to her text with "So you can step right on them and they don't sting?  See, they really are harmless..."

Paige was not amused.  There was a swear word in her response.

Speaking of amusing, just prior to that I got another text.  Luke has learned from his older brothers to scream the worst things he can think of when he is angry.  And apparently it makes him very angry to be awoken from his nap.  The text was as follows...

"Every day when we get home and Luke is sleeping I am verbally assaulted by him when I wake him up.  Today it was 'I'm going to pee in your eye!'  For some reason I can't stop laughing about that one, and boy does that make the angry pee-er mad!"

I about spit my coffee all over my desk.

Also from earlier today...

"Luke just ate a bowl of white bean chicken chili.  'Mmmmmmm, I like tomatoes now because I just ate one and I liked it!'  A few minutes later... 'I don't think Levi and Noah will like this soup but I do.'  Ya think?"

Yeah, I think.  Some battles just aren't worth fighting, and trying to get Levi or Noah to eat soup with tomatoes (tomatoes!) in it would be one of those.  I can only imagine the things they would yell.

Let's just hope Jesus saves them all.  Soon.


n8 Addink said...

I wasn't drinking coffee when I read this, but I did just about spit out my bedtime tea! I've been checking more- and more-frequently because I've missed my weekly dose of the Arizona Addinks, and this was a good one to come back to. Bett says she needs to post something soon too...maybe you have inspired her!

Jason Addink said...

Well tell Bett to get posting, because the bad behavior is much funnier when it occurs in some other Addink household, not your own. :)