Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Home Invasion

I walked out of the front door this morning to go to work. As I walked down the sidewalk and heard some buzzing around my head. I stopped, turned around, looked up, and saw this...

Then I ran screaming like a little girl back into the house. Kidding! I did, however, call an exterminator. He came out and blasted them with about four gallons of pesticide, which did a good number on them.
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I just counted the bees. In a 100 ml container, there were 300 bees. And I measured 2,900 ml of bees total. That works out to 8,700 bees!

The kids were all fascinated and wanted to see the bees. We peeked around the corner before the exterminator came and checked them out. Levi told Paige that he was thankful to God that the man came to kill the bees.

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