Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The boys' Christmas program

You know when all the kids in church do the annual Christmas program? And that one kid is the center of attention, because he is just being plain goofy? And everyone in the pews tries to stifle their laughter, because while the kid is hilarious, it isn't polite to laugh in church, and you certainly don't want to encourage his disruptive behavior (even though you secretly enjoy it?)

And all the parents sit there and think "That kid is adorable... but I am sure glad I am not his parent!"

Yeah... try that... times two.

In all honesty, a bunch of the other kids were also goofing around. It isn't exactly easy to get a bunch of three year olds to stand still and sing songs. But I do believe that when they handed out the bells to ring for one song, it was Levi who turned it into an imitation of the hat throwing tradition at high school graduation. There were bells flying everywhere on that stage.

After the program, when giving Mrs. Earls a hug and taking a picture, Noah tried to stuff a plastic flower into her cleavage. Unbelievable. As she said "He's just a healthy little boy."

Paige set up a sad little plastic Christmas tree downstairs the other day. Noah was impressed though. "That Christmas tree makes my heart delighted!" Seriously, what three year old boy says that anything makes his heart delighted?

Well, embarrassing little goofballs that they are... they make my heart delighted.

1 comment:

andje said...

that asthma medicine used to make me shoot off like a rocket too. good stuff.

and i thought the christmas tree looked very nice.