Saturday, March 28, 2009

Pancakes... the solution to world peace

I made pancakes for breakfast this morning. Levi was declaring his love of pancakes as he devoured his third one...

"I love pancakes Dad! I love you too Dad!"

"When I have pancakes, I love everybody!"

"I even love Mom!"

"And I don't want to get spankin's, so I will say nice things. Cause Mom and Dad give me spankin's to teach me to obey"

(Gee, think he has heard that a few times around here?)

So apparently, all the middle east needs is... more pancakes!


azsteenstras said...

If you cooked me up a batch of pancakes I'd love you to Jason! :) Blueberry are the best!

Jason Addink said...

Gonna have to wait for the next Cadet campout in fall. Assuming I am invited...