Saturday, May 2, 2009

The "girly" look

Paige made a comment the other day that our black blog was too plain. Not "girly" enough, or something like that.

There are two girls in this house... and four boys. Why exactly does the blog need to be "girly?"

So I revamped it tonight, with a more "sophisticated" background. Let me know what you think. Better? Worse? Go back to the black?


Elizabeth said...

better :) BECAUSE you have four guys to two gals means you need a little more feminine in your life ;)

Jason Addink said...

I am the only brother of three sisters. I've had enough feminine to last me quite a while, thank you. ;)

Anonymous said...

I like the black better - the paisleys are just too much. The black was classy!

Sarah Madderom (the married one)

Jason and Paige Addink said...

What!? You don't like paisleys? Who asked you for your input anyways? ;)

Paige isn't to fond of it either. Something about an inside joke between her and her best friend.

Apparently I will be in for another coffee fueled blog update...

Anonymous said...

I don't know that I would call this feminine.. .dizzying maybe...go back to black...that color is and always will be a woman's best friend.