Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Sunday regulars

This makes the third Sunday in a row. Apparently we are developing a habit.

Luke got bounced off the side of the slide in the first five minutes, when Levi took him out at the knees, and got his first shiner. Just a little one, and he was fine a few seconds later.

He then spent a good portion afternoon drinking from the slip-n-slide. Apparently we need to water that boy more.

Not all of us had a great time though. Poor Noah was already exhausted from a big yesterday swimming at Uncle Tim and Aunt Gina's. Then he was the first one out of bed this morning, waaaay too early. And his courage quarters failed him today, and he had to be dragged into Sunday school. Thus missing out on picking a donut after church. So by the time we got to playing in the back yard, he was already not a happy camper. Then he splashed water on the camera, seconds after I told him not to. Not a good idea.

Time-out was "uncomfortable," he said...

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