Saturday, August 1, 2009

Good... funny...




Anonymous said...

WOW! You have been alone too long. Your last three posts have been interesting to say the least. Time for us to come home so you your evenings are filled and you are not finding random crazy things on you tube or posting rantings about the president you so greatly admire. Hurry out here and bring us back home

Anonymous said...

I am somewhat relieved now that I've seen you face-to-face and had a chance to see where your head really is. Glad to know that you overstate your case a bit on this blog. :) I mean it is one thing to go after the President, but when you start assuming the worst of every teenage boy...geez. And this from a guy who's driving down the highway singing about his woman, his guns, and his cocaine. Good Grief!

Jason Addink said...

I was once a teenage boy. I'm not assuming the worst. I know how they think (or more accurately... don't.)

Overstate my case? Sheesh. I can't even imagine such a thing... ;)

Just trying to provoke some of you jokers into leaving a comment!