Thursday, September 24, 2009

Warning, political post ahead

So first there was the prayer to Obama...

Then the creepy kids singing how Obama was going to change the whole world...

Then there was the praise song to Obama, not so subtly comparing him to Jesus...

And now this?

I just shake my head in amazement. It's creepy. How about just saying the Pledge of Allegiance? Or the Star Spangled Banner?

You would think, purely as a matter of common sense, that someone might have gone "You know... having the kids sing and chant to Obama like a bunch of little North Koreans praising the Dear Leader might not be the best elementary school project."

In case you can't understand the kids...

Song 1:
Mm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said that all must lend a hand
To make this country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said we must be fair today
Equal work means equal pay
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said that we must take a stand
To make sure everyone gets a chance
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said red, yellow, black or white
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

Mmm, mmm, mm
Barack Hussein Obama

Song 2:
Hello, Mr. President we honor you today!
For all your great accomplishments, we all doth say "hooray!"

Hooray, Mr. President! You're number one!
The first black American to lead this great nation!

Hooray, Mr. President we honor your great plans
To make this country's economy number one again!

Hooray Mr. President, we're really proud of you!
And we stand for all Americans under the great Red, White, and Blue!

So continue ---- Mr. President we know you'll do the trick
So here's a hearty hip-hooray ----

Hip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip hooray!


I saw this preview in the theater the other night...

Based on his previous "documentaries" I am sure this will be a well thought out, fair, balanced, and open minded examination of the topic. Just like his other movies were.

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little...


Elizabeth said...

I saw Moore interviewed on NightLine and he tries to say that this movie is from his Judeo-Christian point of view (capitalism is not Godly). Whether you agree with this or not what was most amazing is that he said one of our mandates from God is to care for the down and out and this was the reasoning for taking down capitalism (so the government could care for the poor). He doesn't feel it is his personal responsibility to care for the poor, but an obvious government mandate. Maybe you could send him an ACTUAL Bible. Katie

Jason Addink said...

Argh. I can't stand that line of reasoning. "The Bible says Christians should care for the poor, therefore we should institute government programs to forcefully take money from rich people and give it to poor people."

Not saying Christians, myself included, always do a phenomenal job of showing compassion or caring for the poor. But paying my taxes in no way means I am compassionate towards the poor. My guess is it probably breeds more of the opposite attitude.

So yeah, let's dismantle capitalism. Because then we can all return to a subsistence economy that existed before we started recognizing silly things like property rights and banking.

Of course, this is the same guy who thinks communist Cuba is a model of how we should run our healthcare.


Jason Addink said...

I much prefer this line of reasoning...

The True Story of American Exceptionalism