Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dear Mr. Addink...

I love HOAs. No, really. They are my favorite organizations on the planet.


It seems like every time our HOA decides to hire a new management company, said management company decides they need to provide justification for their existence, so they make the rounds and send people letters.

Bunch of busy bodies with nothing better to do...

Once it was because our shrubbery overhung the neighbors property line. By about 2 inches. Nearly a felony, that one. Another time it was because our screen door (that the previous owners installed) didn't match the color of the house. Us, and about every 4th house on our block (yes, I walked around and checked.) Paige called that property manager and made him cry.

Apparently this time we have "weeds" in our planter. Otherwise known as bermuda grass. Have you ever tried to keep that stuff out of a planter? It's impossible.

So rather than fight nature, we decided to go with it. If the bermuda grass keeps attempting to take over the planter, why not let it?

Plus, we discovered all kinds of cool bugs under those bricks...

Luke insisted on helping...

Now watch. That darn bermuda will refuse to grow into the freshly prepared dirt.

I swear, if we get a letter from the HOA regarding the large dirt patch in our front lawn...

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