Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The grump and giblets

The other night, the whole family cleaned the house.  Well, mostly I think it was Mom and Dad cleaning, in between yelling at encouraging the kids to clean up the giant mess they made help the family.

Noah in particular was having a really rough time.  He had a serious grump going on.  So he got to clean the bathrooms with me.  After a half hearted wipe of the counter, I asked him if he thought it looked clean on not.


"Really?  You don't see the hair all over the counter?  Gross."

"They aren't my hair.  Why do I have to clean them?"

"I'll bet it is your hair.  Right off your chest!"

"Daaaaaaad, I don't have chest hair!"

"OK then... off your buns."

"Daaaaaaaaaaaaad, I don't have bun hair!"

"I know.  They fell right off your hairy grump!"

[Noah pulls open the front of his pants and peers down... there.]

"Nope.  Nothing there yet!"

Aye carrumba.  That was not what I meant.  But I guess we now have yet another name for it around here...

A few days before, while playing out in the backyard in sprinkers, Ella whips out this line...

Well, not the enchanted forest part, but definitely the giblets.

So two new names I guess...

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