Saturday, June 7, 2008

Friday funnies

Yeah, I know, it isn't Friday anymore. I spent the last 6 hours digging two holes, mixing 600 lbs of concrete, and setting two 12 foot posts in our backyard. We had this brilliant idea to create some shade in our back yard, so the kids can play in the day and not turn the deep red of a cooked lobster (darn fair skin genetics.) So we decided to hang up some of those big "shade sails." You know the kind that always look cool and modern? I'm hoping that is how our backyard will look... although it will probably end up looking more like some crazy redneck decided to string a tarp up in the back yard. Anyways... the instructions say to dig a 4 foot deep hole for each post. It may not seem like it, but 4 feet is a freakin' deep hole! So we now have two posts securely anchored in a 3 foot deep hole. There was no way I was going all the way to 4. Let's hope the things don't pull out of the ground and come smashing through the back wall during the next monsoon. But considering they have 300 lbs of concrete attached to the bottom of each one, I think that is unlikely. And I am sure the neighbors will egg the house tomorrow in retaliation for me mixing concrete in a wheelbarrow at 2 in the morning. But I can sleep tonight, having satisfied my obsessive-compulsive need to finish a job once I have started...

Anyways, the whole point is that I was going to post this on Friday, since it made me chuckle. Actually, I laughed until I cried. This will be our house in a few years, I am sure...

For now, we apparently need to supervise them more closely. I believe Paige told me that they said they were zebras and tigers...

And finally, we laughed our heads off tonight at Levi's dead-on imitation of Gollum. Or maybe the man-cub from Jungle Book...

Alright, now I'm off to bed...


Elizabeth said...

What I love most about your postings is that it seems your kids are most comfortable being in their underwear - always :)

I guess I am still so new at this that I feel the need to dress my child and have the "appearance" that I am an A+ mom at all times. Of course, that is not to imply that either of you somehow aren't. You've just been indoctrinated into the "I don't have the energy to worry about clothes" parents club.

Jason Addink said...

We're lucky if we can even keep them in their underwear. We are having a birthday party for the boys in a few weeks, with inflatable pools and water toys in the backyard. We were joking that the most difficult part of the day will be keeping our kids from stripping naked to play in the water.

It is a rare occurrence around here that any of our kids is actually fully dressed...

Paige Addink said...

For the record, when I was looking at what Jason posted, I told him we should put some disclaimer on there about the kids never having pants on. They boys are working on potty training and so these days it's hard to keep anything covering their birthday suits. And Ella, who is always hot, has been taking off her clothes since she figured out how.

So I'm glad my lax parenting style has brought humor to your day. :)

Elizabeth said...

I wouldn't call it lax - I would call it comfortable, and it's a place I strive to be in constantly. I figured it must be hot, since anything above 85 is blazing for me, and it's good they have the freedom to strip down when needed. It must mean there is a LOT less complaining around your house. And any less is always good :)