Thursday, June 12, 2008

From the mouths of babes...

Yesterday we were having one of "those moments". (For those of you without four children ages 4 and under, or for those who it has been a while since your kids were little, "those moments" are when all four children are screaming, crying and demanding your attention ALL at the same time. Often in "those moments" you feel like joining right in with them and crying too!) Completely frazzled by the whole situation I yelled out, "Everybody just stop a second. I need to pray." Surprisingly they all grew quiet (minus Luke who wanted to eat no matter what type of chaos was going on around him). Then Ella asked "To who?" I felt like a failure before even closing my eyes to utter a prayer for strength and patience, that my children had asked me to whom I was praying. "God," I told them "I need him to help me be loving and kind right now instead of getting angry and yelling." They seemed to think that was a good idea and gave me about 40 sec to utter my plea for help before resuming their previous behaviors that brought about the need for prayer in the first place.

Today at nap time Levi and Noah were having a repeat performance of yesterday of getting out of their beds and in with each other and goofing around. Since I was once again feeding Luke, I tried to ignore them and snuggle my sweet baby who is not yet big enough to talk back. A few minutes passed before there was a loud crash in their room. I set Luke down. Ella looked up in dismay and we hurried down the hall to see what they had broken today. "Boys!" (I may have yelled) What am I going to do with you? You broke the shade right off the wall!" Ella turned to me and said, "Mom, maybe we should pray to God."

Thank you Ella for pointing me back in the right direction.

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