Monday, December 7, 2009

Was I this gross as a little boy?

Thought 1:
Hmmmm, there is a duece in the toilet... and no TP.

Thought 2: And there are little boy undies laying on the floor... and not on the little boy.

Thought 3: I wonder what, exactly, he sat on next? On second thought, maybe I don't want to know...

I was instructed by Paige (after she exclaimed "WHY IS THERE A PICTURE OF POO ON OUR COMPUTER!!!!") that under no circumstances was I to post photos of actual doody on our blog. Furthermore, under no circumstances was I to post even a picture of our toilet, as she would be mortified if people saw the just how dirty it was.

Ummmmm, we have two little boys. Who apparently aren't exactly sure what the roll of white tissue over on the right there is for. And who don't have the best aim in the world. Our toilets aren't exactly what you would call pristine.

But to preserve my wife's dignity, I've duly edited the photo to hide any inappropriateness...

And I suppose I know the answer to the post title, given the fact that I actually went and took a picture of this... and then posted it on our blog...

1 comment:

azsteenstras said...

Kaley really wanted to see the poop! Her response to my explanation of the BLUE toilet lid and water was "Why doesn't Miss Paige want a picture of poop? That would be cool."