Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Book review: Final Salute

I just finished reading Final Salute. It is a touching book, telling the stories of several families who have lost their sons, husbands, brothers, and fathers in Iraq and Afghanistan. It also tells the stories of the soldiers who have the difficult duty of notifying the families of their loss.

I am 100% behind what we are doing in Iraq, but this book really brings home the results the war has back home. The author did a good job telling the stories without making a political judgement on the war.

If you want to get a feeling for the book, take a look at the article that was the genesis of the book (and actually make up several of the chapters.) And if you don't read the whole book, at least read the article.

Final Salute: The Rocky Mountain News (pdf file)

Final Salute: The Rocky Mountain News (webpage)

The pictures alone choke me up...

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