Friday, August 15, 2008

New (sort of) tunes

Paige's sister had a garage sale while Paige was in Michigan. I helped drag all of the furniture for sale out of her basement. One item was an old Victrola (circa 1926), along with a bunch of records. It didn't sell on the garage sale, so every time I talked to Paige, I told her to take the Victrola back with her (knowing full well that there was no room for it in the van.) Little did I know that my sneaky wife had a plan all along to get it back to Arizona. When I went to unpack the van after they got home, guess what I found stuffed in the trunk?

I'd love to refinish it so it would really glow, but I'm afraid that someday the Antique Roadshow would tell me "This is a one of a kind find, worth $57,000... if only someone hadn't destroyed the original finish."

In the meantime, we will enjoy all the old records that came with it. After all, they don't make them like they used too...

Yup, you heard that right... "My voice hasn't had a real rest in years. Naturally, I protect it all I can, and that's why I smoke Luckys. I've been smoking them for 12 years, and they've never once bothered my throat."

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