Sunday, October 12, 2008

The hazards of Grandma's house

These were posted on my aunt and uncle's Facebook page (they are staying at my mom's house this week.) We already knew this was what happened at Grandma's, given the total crash the kids usually experience when they get back home.

But now Grandma apparently has made it official with her little sign... "Grandma's Motto: Squeeze 'Em Up, Sugar 'Em Up, Send 'Em Home."

Ummmmm, thanks Grandma? ;)

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Anonymous said...

Me thinks he doth protest too much. This protest from the guy who just bragged about Spagettios, chocolate milk and Otter pops. (not much sugar in any of those). Not only that, they haven't had a real nap in three days AND they rode TWICE on a COUCH in a VAN on a busy city road! (Grandma insisted that the hatch door that didn't close MUST be tied down and hunted until she found a rope in the garage.) To set the record straight, they get spoiled by Grandma maybe once every 6-8 weeks. Good Grief!

Jason Addink said...

Wow... "Anonymous" is a little sensitive. It was all tongue-in-cheek. Sheesh... ;)