Tuesday, July 1, 2008

T Minus... 10... 9... 8...

We've had several people tell us that they will be checking our blog regularly over the next several days. You see, they know that we will be leaving on a 2000 mile road trip to Michigan. With four children. And a dog. And they know what a wonderful experience our last road trip was.

I'd like to think that these people wish us well. That they truly hope our trip is uneventful. That the kids all behave like the angels we know they are. That they sleep in their hotel rooms at night. That the dog doesn't get carsick around Flagstaff and spend the remaining 1900 miles wretching into an empty McDonalds bag. I'd like to think that... but I know better. People are planning to check our blog for the same reason people go to NASCAR races, or slow down to check out an accident on the freeway. Because trainwrecks are interesting, even entertaining... as long as you aren't the poor sap hurtling along in the locomotive.

I hope we have nothing to report, that the trip is so uneventful that it makes for really boring blog reading. Given our track record, this is unlikely.

So check back to see how our trip is going. I might post anecdotes from my phone, in between the screams of the children and dry heaving of the dog. And our blog will have some road trip themed headers to check out while we are traveling. So in the words of Bugs Bunny... "Bon voya-gee!"

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