Saturday, July 12, 2008

What to call "it"?

This post by Tony Woodlief made me laugh out loud. I don't know him, but I thoroughly enjoy his post about raising his young sons. Follow the link and read it, then head back here.

I read the aforementioned post to Paige when I saw it on my Blackberry. She just shook her head in disbelief. You see, I too loathe calling it by its clinical name, and thus use all kinds of descriptive terms, which Levi and Noah (and their older sister) have picked up. The most common seems to be "winky", or occasionally the full unabbreviated version... "wee willy winky". "Twig and berries" or "the frank and beans" are also perennial favorites.

My wife is also, like Tony's, utterly mortified (even more so after she discovers that I posted this.)

Noah once had to go to the doctor, around the age of 1-1/2, to have some work done on his, umm... parts. Let's just say that things had healed back together which shouldn't have. Since Paige was traumatized by the original procedure, I had to take him in for the repairs. He returned home saying "Mommy... twiggy owwww... twiggy owwww!" His mother was thoroughly unimpressed with his newly expanded vocabulary. I was grinning from ear to ear.

Hey, a father has a duty to teach his boys certain things...

1 comment:

The Kempiak Party of Five said...

A couple of weeks ago my girl friends had this discussion on girl parts too. It's amazing what words we are brought up with. We had many good laughs!